Anton Eine

Time to Do It


They had wanted to do it for a long time. She couldn’t make up her mind, was afraid, thought that she was too young. He waited patiently, didn’t want to pressure her.

But it seemed that now she had warmed up to taking this decisive step and wanted to share all the rapturous feelings of intimacy with him. How far are they willing to go? And what will be the consequence of their turbulent romance?

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“You know, I think I’m ready after all.”

“What do you mean?... Are you saying that you’ve decided?”

“Yes. I think so.”

“That’s amazing! We both have been waiting so long. But why now? Not that I’m not excited, but what made you finally decide? You have been putting it off for so long, couldn’t cross that last boundary…”

“I was putting it off because I was afraid, you know that. I’m apprehensive even now to be honest. I still think I’m too young for it… that’s how I feel anyways. But I want to so badly that I can’t wait any longer. I want to feel you for real. I want to be fused into one whole, experience that tender moment together. Face the pain and joy together.”

“You’re not too young at all! I’ve told you that many times. Yes, you may be young, but you’ve been able to for a long time.”

“Yes, I know, I know. But I was scared. Aren’t you scared?”

“No. A little. I’m more nervous and excited. I feel as though I’ve waited a whole eternity. Maybe longer. But I didn’t want to pressure you, you know? I wanted you to come to the decision on your own.”

“Thank you. I love your ability to wait; your patience and understanding. It’s probably what helped me to finally decide. I feel calm with you, more confident.”

“And when do you want us to… do it?”

“Today. Maybe even now, while I haven’t changed my mind.”

“If you already decided, why would you change your mind?”

“I don’t know, maybe because I’m still scared? Just the thought arouses me and scares me.”

“Listen, I’m not rushing you. If you want to wait, just say so.”

“No, no, I want it, I do. Thoughts about it overwhelm me, and I imagine to the last detail what it will be like. It’s so exciting.”

“Oh, so you’ve considered it? And what was it like in your mind? How did it feel? What should I be ready for?”

“Well… I think that, well when we get down to it, we’ll figure it out. It’s a natural process, right? I know that nothing else compares to the feeling. It’s not like anything in this world.”

“Sounds very tempting. Everyone describes it so differently, I can’t wait to finally try it all.”

“I heard that all your senses are heightened to the extreme. Then the feeling grows and strengthens and you can no longer think of anything else as you give yourself over to the crashing waves of pleasure. And they continue to rise and grow more powerful until they reach the apogee. It’s an explosion, followed by bliss and a sense of emptiness.

“Do you think it will hurt?”

“It will probably be simultaneously painful and pleasurable. If it weren’t, why would every want to do it, right? Certainly not out of a sense of duty?”

“Not me. Duty? Pff… I want you. All of you, completely, entirely. Just for myself and forever. I want to experience that incredible intimacy with you that isn’t like anything else. Only with you. I can’t not think about the incredible miracle, that in this way we will create the beginning of a new life.

“Yes, it’s amazing. Have you already thought about a name?”

“Actually, yes.”

“Seriously? Will you tell me?”

“You want to know right now?”

“I’m curious.”

“Fine. I think the name is very beautiful, majestic almost.”

“C’mon, tell me already!”


“Universe? That’s an unexpected name, but an interesting one. What do you think she’ll be like?”

“I don’t know. I think that’s up to her. I know that she will be wonderful and unique.”

“Just like you.”

“And like you. I’m sure she will take the best of both of us.”

“You know, I think already love her no less than I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“So what are we waiting for? If you’re ready, let’s do it right now.”

“Right now.”


“You and me.”




“Yes, I want it. Now.”

“Come here. And get ready for an explosion. The real big bang.”

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